收录于<OpenDAI Transactions on AI Frontier Highlights>:

AI OpenTop 100 (全世界年度100项开源AI前沿科技精选*)

* 该榜单(从每年全世界几十万篇AI相关成果中)精选不多于100项开放Open源码的AI研发成就,按照成果所在刊物的档次、影响力、引用率、下载量、传播的广泛程度、研究机构声誉、 用户的反馈和评分、同行推荐、专家组的审定等因素进行综合考虑。

Indexed by <OpenDAI Transactions on AI Frontier Highlights>:

AI OpenTop 100 (The World's Top 100 Open-Source AI Cutting-Edge Technologies Every Year*)

* This list selects no more than 100 Open-source AI achievements annually (from hundreds of thousands of AI related publications worldwide), taking into account the level of the publications in which the achievements were published, their influence, citation rate, download number, dissemination breadth, reputation of research institutions, users' feedback and ratings, peer recommendations, and expert group investigatation, etc.