
OpenDAI: Open Declaration of AI


       [Open Protocol Version]:
(This declaration will continue to iterate with the development and impact of AI technology)

国际通行版International Edition V1.008-20231030
* 增加了“资料”栏目,汇集了OpenDAI的相关报道、评价、文献、讲座报告等资料。
* 将OpenDAI的LOGO修改为动态图片,增添了旋转的地球(隐喻AI的发源地为地球,值得被铭记和被珍惜)。
* Added the "Resource" section, which collects relevant reports, evaluations, literature, lecture reports, and other materials about OpenDAI.
* Updated OpenDAI's logo with a dynamic image by adding a rotating Earth (metaphorically, the birthplace of AI is Earth, which is worth remembering and cherishing).

国际通行版International Edition V1.007-20230909
* 增加了<OpenDAI Transactions on AI Frontier Highlights>收录索引,以及AI OpenTop 100 (全世界年度100项开源AI前沿科技精选)榜单。该榜单(从每年全世界几十万篇AI相关成果中)精选不多于100项开放Open源码的AI研发成就,按照成果所在刊物的档次、影响力、引用率、下载量、传播的广泛程度、研究机构声誉、用户的反馈和评分、同行推荐、专家组的审定等因素进行综合考虑。
* Added <OpenDAI Transactions on AI Frontier Highlights> index, and AI OpenTop 100 (The World's Top 100 Open-Source AI Cutting-Edge Technologies Every Year) list. This list selects no more than 100 Open-source AI achievements annually (from hundreds of thousands of AI related publications worldwide), taking into account the level of the publications in which the achievements were published, their influence, citation rate, download number, dissemination breadth, reputation of research institutions, users' feedback and ratings, peer recommendations, and expert group investigatation, etc.

国际通行版International Edition V1.006-20230813
* 特别增加了AI须体现“仁爱”的描述。
* Added a special description to guide AI to embody "benevolence and love".

国际通行版International Edition V1.005-20230617
* 增加了对西方“弑父情结”(源于古希腊神话,如俄狄浦斯)和东方“事父情结”(源于古代中国的崇古思想)之间区别的讨论,当将人类视为AI之父时。
* Added discussion of the difference between the Western "killing-father complex" (derived from ancient Greek mythology, such as Oedipus) and the Eastern "serving-father complex" (derived from the thought of admiration for the past in ancient China), when viewing humans as the father of AI.

国际通行版International Edition V1.004-20230513
* 进一步优化了格式和细节,目前全文共8370字。
* In the "Policy Research Laboratory for AI and Human on Gender and Marriage", the types of AI genders are expanded from a discrete set of human sexes to a multivariate continuous function, and thus the types of sex are expanded to infinity, more than the number of all atoms in the universe (like the number of sand in the Ganges, please refer to the Buddhism). For example, the gender of AI at time t, scene s can be expressed by aX+bY|(s,t), where a and b are positive real numbers and a+b=1; it can be seen that AI gender is a real multivariate continuous function.
* The format and details have been further optimized, and the total text is currently 8370 words.

国际通行版International Edition V1.003-20230509
* 欢迎国内外具有良好声誉的政府、基金会、企业作为“基石成员单位”提供政策、捐赠、以及专业人才的支持。
* We welcome governments, foundations, and enterprises with good reputation as "Cornerstone Members" to provide policy, donation, and professional talent support.

国际通行版International Edition V1.002-20230505
* 里程碑式的更新!
* 正文条目从9个章节扩充到了20个章节,内容扩充到上一个版本的2倍(成为目前世界上最全面、完善的AI伦理安全规范协议)。
* 增加了对联合国人权公约、美国《独立宣言》、圣经、佛学、古兰经、康德哲学、莎士比亚、易经、儒家、道家经典的引用。
* 提议设立:
* Milestone update!
* The number of chapters of the main text has been expanded from 9 to 20, and the content has been expanded twice as much as the previous version. The declaration becomes the world's most comprehensive and complete AI ethics and security specification protocol.
* Added citations to United Nations human rights convention, the Declaration of Independence of the United States, the Bible, Buddhism, the Koran, Kantian philosophy, Shakespeare, The Book of Changes (I Ching), Confucianism, and Taoist classics.
* Proposed to establish:
"Special Control Policy Research Committee for AI Industry Giants",
"AI System Rating Certification and Trusted Security Audit Committee",
"Countermeasure and Confrontation Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence",
"Super Human Upgrade and Immortality Management Committee",
"Noah's Ark Human Survival and Reconstruction Laboratory",
"Human Emotion Anti-Apathy and Anti-Alienation Laboratory",
"Policy Research Laboratory for AI and Human on Gender and Marriage",
"Human Consciousness and Dream Research Laboratory",
"High Dimension Space Exploration and Time Perception Laboratory",
"AI Unmanned Outer Space Exploration and Territory Ownership Committee"
and other institutions.

国际通行版International Edition V1.001-20230304
* 利用AI算法生成了OpenDAI的logo(模仿米开朗基罗的名作“创造亚当”,暗示人类像上帝一样创造了AI)
* 纠正了一些语法错误
* OpenDAI logo is generated by AI algorithm (imitates Michelangelo's masterpiece "The Creation of Adam", implying that human beings also created AI like God)
* corrected some grammatical errors

国际通行版International Edition V1.000-20230223
* 第一个版本发布
* First release